Survivor Accounts


The following video shows therapist Valerie Wolf and her clients Chris deNicola Ebner and Claudia Mullen testify before the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) hearings, March, 1995


I've limited this list to works I've actually read. There are far more available, some rather well known. I prefer to recommend titles I am confident can add, in one way or another, to an understanding of the torture-conditioning programs.

Surviving Evil: CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont

By Karen Wetmore

"It appears as if in America there are expendable people and in Vermont, they are the mentally ill. This is an incredible and true story. Beginning at age thirteen, Karen Wetmore was subjected to horrific treatment at Vermont State Hospital and related facilities. Through years of investigative journalism and numerous Freedom of Information Act requests, she was able to document that she was a victim of secret CIA mind control experiments as an adolescent and of sexual abuse by one of her psychiatrists. One of Karen’s psychiatrists was Robert Hyde, M.D. He was cleared at TOP SECRET as the contractor on CIA LSD experiments under MKULTRA. Karen calls for an investigation into the nearly 3000 deaths at Vermont State Hospital from 1952 to 1973. These deaths may have provided cover for terminal experiments conducted at the hospital.

Day Breaks Over Dharamsala:
A Memoir of Life Lost and Found

by Janet Thomas

From the Foward by Andrew Harvey: "Day Breaks Over Dharamsala is a book of the highest seriousness of purpose, but it is also a delight. It is a book not just for survivors of abuse and for all travelers and spiritual seekers; it is written with such nakedness and such grit and wit and jeweled panache that it is also a book for dog lovers, people passionate about pizza, gourmets of eccentricity, bookworms hungry for arcane information about British churches in the Himalayas, and all battered survivors everywhere of post-modern cynicism, corporate nihilism, consumerist fantasy, and religious fundamentalism, for anyone, in fact, who in Janet Thomas’s words “wants to know I have been alive before I die.”

A Nation Betrayed:
The Chillling True Story of Seccret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and other Innocent People

by Carol Rutz

"Could You Be One of the People Who Was Used as a Guinea Pig by Your Own Government? Using electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and other types of trauma the CIA conducted Mind Control experiments on children in their attempt to create a Manchurian Candidate. Thousands of innocent children who have now grown into adults are silently suffering from the effects of these experiments. Your tax dollars paid doctors to participate in these and other experiments in ESP, Remote Viewing, Radiation and research with Chemical and Biological Warfare while working under government contracts in the U. S. and Canada.

"Read the PROOF obtained from 18,000 pages of declassified documents from Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA Projects and Documentation and Testimony from Survivors of these Cold War Tests.

Morning, Come Quickly

By Wanda Karriker

"A love story. A spiritual journey. A psychological thriller. Triggered by clients; stories of extreme trauma, a therapist recovers memories of abuse by pillars of her Bible Belt community. For ten years, she drags her husband along with her as she investigates a world of murder, satanic ritual abuse, child pornography and horrific government-sponsored mind control experiments on children. During their journey, the couple learn that they had been much more than childhood sweethearts.

Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control

By Kathleen Sullivan

"A non-fictional account of Kathleen Sullivan’s experiences as part of a criminal network that includes Intelligence personnel, military personnel, doctors and mental health professionals contracted by the military and the CIA, criminal cult leaders and members, pedophiles, pornographers, drug dealers and Nazis.

Secret Weapons: Two Sisters' Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage

Cheryl Hersha, Lynn Hersha, Dale Griffis, Ted Schwarz

"For the first time publicly, two sisters tell their incredible true story of a childhood filled with torture, rape and brainwashing at the hands of the intelligence community to turn them into the perfect spy/soldiers.

Paperclip Dolls (Out of Print)

By Annie McKenna

From a review on Amazon: "What I like most about Annie's book and what I like about Annie is that straight-forwardness. This is still a valuable book, worth reading if you want an inside view of MKUltra/Monarch mind control.""

CKLN Radio Series

CKLN is a Toronto radio station. In 1997, they produced a 9 month series focused Mind Control programs in the US and Canada. Several researchers and survivors were interviewed.

Below is an interview with survivor Lynne Moss Sharman (25A-25B).

Listen to All Interviews