For 30 years, I've used my artwork to speak out about child sexual abuse, trafficking, and human experimentation. Here is a selection of related exhibitions and projects. To view my latest work and CV, visit

Schirmer Show, May 2016
An exhibit on Holocaust Remembrance Day to bring attention to Project Paperclip and its connection to human rights abuses in US since WWII. The opening featured a dance performance by DAIPAN Butoh, reacting to and echoing the struggle of the figures in my work.

Alternate Dualities 2013
Exhibition of a series of pairs of small drawings depicting internal alter states with more narrative compositions reflective of the lab torture that created them. Pictured on the right is an embellished 10ft print out of CIA Mori ID 0000190527-1, a 1951 document describing the induction of hypnotic states in two girls.

Seattle City Hall Exhibition and Talk 2015
As part of the touring group exhibition The Incredible Intensity of Just Being Human, I gave a talk about the misonceptions surrounding Dissociative Identity Disorder, and little bit of my history as a human experimentation survivor.
DIDiva and the Mad Machines 2010
An exhibition of sculpture, drawing, and painting at Corridor Gallery.
Franklin & Madeline 2007
A collaborative exhibit with artist James Cicatko focusing on elite human trafficking rings. Franklin refers to the Franklin Scandal, and Madeline is the name of one of my alters accessed in the labs.